Yesterday was very similar to my first round; it took less time since they didn't have to go over everything with me this time.
We got to the hospital around 10:30 for blood work, and then saw Dr. Ellis to check in with her and see how everything was going. I told her all of my side effect has stopped and that my hair had pretty much fallen out. She said my hair fell out right on schedule. My white counts were fine, so we went upstairs to check in at chemo.
They had a hard time getting my port in again which is stressful for me because I just don't like the idea of the needles. They had to do it twice again. I learned that some of the nurses are specifically there for accessing the ports, I will ask for one of them next time.
I asked for a window, because I thought it would be really nice to be able to see outside, but it was cold and gloomy so it made the room cold too. I ended up with my sweats, my jacket and three blankets on! I fell asleep, which was good.
We came home and I crashed on the couch for a couple of hours, then watched a little TV and went to bed around 11:00 and slept until 11:00 this morning! I felt pretty good today. Mom and I ran a couple of errands and had some lunch. I even went for a good walk. The day after chemo seems to be pretty good, maybe it's the steroids, and maybe it's that the drugs haven't kicked in yet. Either way, I'm glad I felt good today.
I want to thank all of you again for being here for me and for all of your wonderful thoughts and words, having all of you for support means everything to me.