Me and Henry

Me and Henry
March 2009

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So far so good

It's been a week since my first chemo therapy session...I'm doing pretty well I think. Other than being pretty tired and a having a really sore throat, I haven't had any major side effects.

I actually felt good on Thursday, the day after chemo. I think this was probably because my system was so full of steroids along with all the other drugs. Mom and I went on an outing to try on wigs :) I'm not completely convinced I'm a wig wearer, but at the same time it might be nice to have every once in a while. Plus it was just fun to see the different wigs.

Both Friday and Saturday were very tired days for me. On Friday we went to see my friends at my office. It was so nice to get to see everyone -- I miss them! On Saturday I went to our last Edmond's Summer Market for a short time. Even though I was expecting to be tired after chemo, I am surprised by just how tired I get.

The best part of the weekend was that Henry was at home. He stays pretty close when I'm napping and makes sure I'm warm enough. It's very sweet.

Food started tasting pretty strange on Thursday and nothing really sounded very good. The thing I am most surprised by is just how horrible water tastes. Water tastes awful! Soup has been the thing I've been able to eat the most. My good friends Meena and Jonny made yummy rice soup for me on Saturday. Cold things like melon, popsicles and sherbet have been good too. They feel good on my sore throat.

The past couple of days are a bit of a blur... I am starting to feel much more like myself though. I took myself for a walk yesterday and I'm even getting my appetite back!!

Today I went to see Dr. Ellis, my oncologist, for my follow-up. I had blood drawn so my white cells could be checked. They are just fine. I think my Dr. was actually surprised by my lack of side effects. I'm just happy about it!

1 comment:

Peter Crawford said...


The other day, I asked Stacey how you were doing. In response, she gave me the link to your blog. I am glad to read that all is going well so far. Although we did not talk about your diagnosis at the reunion, Stacey had told me about it that night and you have been on my mind off and on ever since. Thank you for sharing your experiences here. It helps folks like me understand some of what it is to go through what you are going through. I'm sure it helps you, too.

I will keep you in my thoughts and pray for your health.


Peter Crawford