Me and Henry

Me and Henry
March 2009

Friday, March 28, 2008

Vacation Time

We’re on our way to Washington DC tomorrow and then on to New York next Saturday. I’m really looking forward to getting away from home for a while.

I started my Herceptin infusions this week. Since it’s just the one drug and no pre-meds it’s much faster than chemo; I was only at the hospital for about three hours as opposed to five or six with chemo. I only have to do this every three weeks so I get a nice break in between too.

The numbness in my feet is still with me and it’s also affected a few of my fingers. I’m really ready for the numbness to be gone. Unfortunately, I’ve been told it takes a while for it to go away completely, but it should go away. The other side effects seem to be gone, never to return I hope.

I hope everyone has a good couple of weeks. I’ll write when we get home.

Peace to you

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