Me and Henry

Me and Henry
March 2009

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's been a year...

It's been a year since I found out I had breast cancer, it's my cancerversary. Looking back on the year I sometimes can't believe how much I've done and been through; diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

I thought I might have a lot to say today, but what I really want to say is "thank you." Thank you to each and every one of you for being here for me. Thank you for all of your love, kind words, cards, e-mails, flowers, gifts, wigs, hats, soup and visits this past year. I have received so much love and support from everyone and it has meant so much to me. Thank you!

I especially want to say "thank you" to my mom. She has been here with me through each and every step of this journey. It was mom who insisted she go with me to my follow-up mammogram; the one I thought was just going to be extra photos. I had no idea I was really going to need her there that day. Mom went to every appointment with me, held my hand through all my biopsies, waited for me to get out of surgery and sat through every chemotherapy with me. Thank you mom, I love you.

I also want to say "thank you" to Henry. This year has been difficult for him, seeing his mom go through this every day, but he did much better than I expected he would. He didn't especially like that I lost my hair, but he learned to understand it and would rub my head for luck before going to bed. He was so helpful when I wasn't feeling good, he would tuck me in on the sofa making sure I was warm enough, it really was the sweetest thing. I love you Henry.

This past year has taught me so much and I'm glad to have had it. I wouldn't say it was a good year, but it was my year and one I will never forget.

I hope all is well with each and every one of you.

Much love and Peace,

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