Me and Henry

Me and Henry
March 2009

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hair vs. Chemo

Turns out Chemo wins...I started loosing my hair on Monday.

My head started hurting and itching late last week, and got worse over the weekend. It feels like I have a sunburn and I've had my hair in a ponytail too long.

On Monday while I was washing my hair I got two hands full. I knew it was coming, but there was really no way to actually prepare for it. I can't imagine how you could possibly prepare for it.

My hair has been coming out in larger amounts every day. Today it looked like someone had shaved a cat in the shower when I was done! There is hair everywhere... I can tell my hair is much thinner, Henry told me I have some bald spots on top of my head, but unless you look really closely you still can't tell I'm loosing any, I had so much to start with.

This is me on Tuesday and again today...

I think I'll have my hair for a few more days and then it will be time to shave it off...

1 comment:

Sharilyn said...

You (and your hair) are beautiful no matter what state you are in.
You are my hero, my inspiration.
I am so proud of you and lucky that you are my sister.
I love you,
